The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP™) is a unique form of therapy that uses simple, proven techniques to bring relief from anxiety, depression, PTSD, self-sabotaging behaviours, and the myriad physical symptoms of stress and unresolved trauma. TRTP™ goes beyond helping you to cope with distressing thoughts and emotions. It uses a powerful sequence of steps to address and resolve the underlying cause of your problems, achieving lasting results effectively and safely, without re-traumatising and generally in 3 to 4 sessions.
Created by Australian trauma therapist Judith Richards, TRTP™ is a process of directed hypnotherapy that focuses on accessing the deep subconscious to alter the perception of the body and its response to past trauma. At an unconscious level, our body still believes it is in danger – thus it remains in a hyper-aroused fight-flight-freeze state. During TRTP™ sessions, the emotional charge is removed from past events, moving you to a place of empowerment in relation to the trauma. The body finally feels that it is safe, and it can relax. The sympathetic nervous system is then calmed, and the many stress response symptoms disappear. With the weight of the past lifted, you are enabled to become future focused and move forward with your life.
TRTP™ also deals with the underlying, unconscious core beliefs which keep a person stuck in unhelpful patterns. By discovering these beliefs, self-sabotaging habits are revealed at a core level, and can be dealt with effectively.